

Experts Be an expert. Be an example. From this page you will learn: For whom? For what purpose? What does it consist of? Why is it worthwhile? What can it help you with? What are the indications and contraindications Sessions Planning 7 For whom? The Experts Project was created for people who dream of...
Maganer 2.0

Maganer 2.0

Manager 2.0 Professionals leave their emotions at home. From this page you will learn: For whom? For what purpose? What does it consist of? Why is it worthwhile? What can it help you with? What are the indications and contraindications Sessions Planning 7 For whom? The Manager 2.0 project is designed for...
Student +

Student +

Student + Man learns all his life From this page you will learn: For whom? For what purpose? What does it consist of? Why is it worthwhile? What can it help you with? What are the indications and contraindications Planning a session 7 For whom? The project is dedicated to Students and people...
Łatwy język

Easy language

Easy language A person is able to learn 2 foreign languages in parallel.It is never too late to learn a language. From this page you will learn: For whom? What is the project For what purpose? Why is it worth it? What can it help you with? What are the indications and contraindications of...
Stop migrenie

Stop migraine

Stop migrenie Cytat lub zdanie Z tej strony dowiesz się: Dla kogo? W jakim celu? Na czym polega? Dlaczego warto? W czym może Ci pomóc? Jakie są wskazania i przeciwwskazania Planowanie sesji 7 Dla kogo? Projekt przeznaczony jest dla osób cierpiących na migrenę oraz...
Gastro Balance

Gastro Balance

Gastro Balance Profesjonaliści zostawiają emocje w domu. Z tej strony dowiesz się: Dla kogo? Dlaczego powstał projekt Gastro Balance? Po co? Dlaczego warto nauczyć się zarządzać świadomie swoimi reakcjami na stres i panować nad emocjami? Na czym polega? W czym może Ci...