Stop migraine
Quote or phrase
For whom?
The project is designed for people suffering from migraine and frequent headaches.
For what purpose is tDCS used in the Stop Migraine Project?
tDCS provides an opportunity to neutralize headaches and restore joy in life.
What does it consist of?
So learn to respond without stress to the daily challenges presented to you at work. It's up to you to choose how much you want to be stressed and out of control of your emotions.
Why use the Stop Migraine Project?
The project is worth using to:
- free yourself from headaches,
- restore efficient brain function,
- improve the quality of your life,
- Give yourself a chance to live a healthy life without pain.
How can it help you?
Participation in Stop Migraine therapy can help you free yourself from chronic headaches and migraines.
- Migraines
- Chronic headaches of severe intensity
- Severe mental status disorder
- Epilepsy
Session planning
The entire series is a series of 10 daily meetings lasting up to 50 minutes.
Occasionally, a 48h break between meetings is allowed.
If you want to repeat the cycle, a 3-4 month break is required.