For whom?

The Manager 2.0 project is designed for people at the management level and those planning a career in management. It is a Peak Performance project, allowing to develop the skills necessary for a Leader.

For what purpose is the Manager 2.0 project used?

Managing, planning, motivating, making decisions, achieving goals are just some of the tasks every manager performs in his or her job. Each of these activities performed under time pressure or in excessive amounts causes stress. Excessive stress causes illness. Diseases generate additional stress. An overloaded nervous system is unable to manage emotions and erupts at difficult times. The explosiveness of superiors greatly increases the stress level among employees. This, in turn, stirs up additional conflicts within the company. Upset subordinates unload their stress and emotions on their family when they return home. This is how a domino effect is created, with all the pieces tipping over one by one. And all you need to do is to make sure that YOU as a supervisor take care of effective management of your stress and emotions. This is why the Manager 2.0 project was created.

What does it consist of?

The Manager 2.0 project combines HRV biofeedback (respiratory biofeedback) training with deep cell music therapy to increase and accelerate results.

Professionals leave their emotions at home.

Why use Manager 2.0


You should use Manager 2.0 to balance your mental, emotional and physical state. Balanced people make better decisions, keep their sanity and do not give in to their emotions. They are more confident and better motivated to take action, relieving group stress. Participation in Manager 2.0 gives you the opportunity to use your resources to the fullest as a manager, calms your mind, increases your productivity and job satisfaction.

How can it help you?

Participating in the Manager 2.0 Project can help you:

  • mastering emotions and stress,
  • maintaining a high level of logical thinking,
  • burnout prevention,
  • decision-making under stress,
  • Reducing the causes of psycho-somatic diseases (about 80% of all diseases),
  • Better management and planning,
  • maintaining a high level of concentration and relaxation at the same time,
  • promotion.


  • Stress
  • Psychosomatic problems
  • Memory problems
  • Increase the level of logical thinking
  • Insomnia, sleep problems
  • Prevention of professional burnout
  • Prevention of heart disease


  • Mental illnesses
  • Epilepsy

Session planning

Depending on the needs, 10 to 25 sessions lasting up to 50 minutes are planned at intervals of several days.